THankyou Karen soooooo...... much for this wonderful award. I really don`t know what to say but thankyou very much for picking me. You are a truelly wonderful person.
Now, who do I pick for this award. This is a toughy!! I have such a lot of wonderful friends on CC forum and on blog land too and I really don`t know where to begin. This I`m afraid is going to have to go to 2 of my dearest friends here in Aberdeenshire both very talented craftersand both of whom are there when I need a friendly ear to listen to all my woes and also to all the wonder times we spend together and laughter we have each time we meet up. My award is going to Jane of Thistle cards blog. Fiona of Fiona J cards and so much more. Sorry I can`t give you a direct link for some reason my click cut and paste isn`t doing what it`s supposed to do and paste!!!
Now all i have to do now is tell you where this post originated and hop on over there myself and place the girls names on the list
This lovely award originated on Paulette`s blog Create with TLC. Sorry again it is coming up with error on page and won`t let me paste direct to her blog. All I have to do now is pop over and put my two names down for the award. Go on spread a little kindness today. There sure isn`t enough of it around these days xxxx
Thanks again Karen xxx
Now, who do I pick for this award. This is a toughy!! I have such a lot of wonderful friends on CC forum and on blog land too and I really don`t know where to begin. This I`m afraid is going to have to go to 2 of my dearest friends here in Aberdeenshire both very talented craftersand both of whom are there when I need a friendly ear to listen to all my woes and also to all the wonder times we spend together and laughter we have each time we meet up. My award is going to Jane of Thistle cards blog. Fiona of Fiona J cards and so much more. Sorry I can`t give you a direct link for some reason my click cut and paste isn`t doing what it`s supposed to do and paste!!!
Now all i have to do now is tell you where this post originated and hop on over there myself and place the girls names on the list
This lovely award originated on Paulette`s blog Create with TLC. Sorry again it is coming up with error on page and won`t let me paste direct to her blog. All I have to do now is pop over and put my two names down for the award. Go on spread a little kindness today. There sure isn`t enough of it around these days xxxx
Thanks again Karen xxx